Great controversy surrounded Llantrisant Town Trust in 1922 when it allowed golf to be played on the Common. 

Fiercely protective of the land, Freemen were furious at the decision and for more than five years the battle ensued. 

It was David Lukey, the local school attendance officer, who pushed for the item to be passed. Mr Lukey, himself a trustee, was supported by David Grabham and both gentlemen would eventually play prominent roles in the club, with Mr Lukey becoming the first captain. 

It stretched for two miles, four furlongs, 200 yards and consisted of nine holes. The secretary was Stanley Thomas and the treasurer was Mr J. Lews. 

In July 1925, a deputation was invited to put their case before the Town Trust, who decided to uphold the decision to allow golf to be played on the Common.

Those opposed to it held a public meeting at the Red Dragon and Freemen and their wives deliberately interrupted games. Freemen and their families attacked the course, smashing discs and cups, stealing balls and flags and throwing the items into the Common Pond and wives sat on the holes.

The golfers to resigned themselves to the fact that they were no longer welcome, and in 1927 they secured land at Talbot Green. 

Llantrisant Golf Club


A year after golf was stopped on the common, a group of residents met to form a club in Talbot Green.

It was agreed with farmer George Davies near Lanelay Hall, to sub-let part of his land to use as a course. D. Ward David built a wooden-framed clubhouse and a nine-hole course was opened.

Sir Rhys Williams was appointed president and Dr J.C.R.Morgan was the first captain.

In 1932 A.W.Venables made the first hole in one. On 7 August 1940 the wooden clubhouse burned down and despite war-time difficulties a new club was built.

The success of the club has continued, attracting professionals from around the world and a legion of local players.

Three local players laid the foundation to a remarkable period of its history with the ongoing successes of Ted Davies, who won 46 Welsh caps from 1959 to 1974; David Stevens won 29 caps and many county titles whilst David Adams won 20 caps from 1969 to 1977.