Llantrisant Town Trust is responsible for managing the extensive property owned by the Freemen of the Town.

Llantrisant Common

The largest parcel of land owned by the Freemen is the Cymdda, better known as Llantrisant Common which covers 274 acres.

The rights of the Freemen to graze cattle and horses on the common lands certainly predate the Charter of 1346 and may have been granted originally by Gwrgan ap Ithel in the 6th century. One can imagine how the famous longbowmen of Llantrisant used this terrain to practice their weaponry before the Battle of Crecy in August 1346. 

Because of the way the common has been managed over many centuries, with the exclusion of sheep, an interesting and diverse flora has developed. This has resulted in it being declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest, and is managed in close liaison with Natural Resources Wales to maintain the botanical diversity, and to provide suitable grazing for cattle and horses.

It is important for its variety of grassland, rich in different plant species. Much of the grassland is marshy, dominated in places by Purple Moor-grass and elsewhere by rushes. Tormentil and Devils-bit Scabious are typical flowers of these areas. Elsewhere the ground is very wet, with Bog Mosses, Star Sedge and Cotton Grass.

Freemen's Facts

  • The Freemen of Llantrisant have enjoyed their rights and privileges since the presentment of a Charter in 1346

  • Four further charters were issued, the last in 1424 by the Earl of Warwick

  • The Ancient Borough of Llantrisant, or the “Corporation” ended with the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act in 1883. A new Llantrisant Town Trust was formed to manage the Freemen’s lands and property

  • Prior to 1724 there are no lists of Freemen of Llantrisant

  • Rev Robert Rickards attempt to create the first Freeman’s Roll with entries dating back to 1724. In 1866 historian Sem Phillips also produced a list which when combined and updated annually is the basis of today’s Freeman’s Roll

  • There are more than 4,300 names on the Freemen’s Roll with many of them showing the hereditary link to their Freeman forbears

  • Today an estimated 1,200 Freemen of Llantrisant are living around the world

  • The only surviving Freemen family which can link itself to 1724 is the Trahernes of Castellau Fawr and Coedarhydyglyn

  • In 2022 it was agreed to allow daughters and granddaughters of Freemen to enroll.