Llantrisant Town Trust is en elected body whose purpose is to safeguard and manage the rights and lands of the Freemen.

The Municipal Corporations Act of 1883 saw the dissolution of Llantrisant as a Municipal Corporation after it was announced that “Her Majesty has not been pleased to grant a charter to that place”.

This was followed in 1889 by the creation of the Llantrisant Town Trust to supervise the property of the dissolved corporation, under an Order sealed on 17 December 1889 by the Board of Charity Commissioners. 

Under this order, Trustees were elected as: “Nine Freemens Trustees, three by the Vestry of the Parish of Llantrisant and one by the Cambrian Archaeological Association.” Trustees are appointed for renewable terms of five years.

The Trust was given powers of administration of the ancient Borough property, management of the Commons of Cymdda and Graig, enrolment of Freemen, maintenance of the town pump and improvement of Llantrisant generally.

They inherited under the Order, the Silver Mace of 1633, almost £536 in government bonds and £45 in cash. The inaugural meeting took place on 31 January 1890. Since then the work of the Llantrisant Town Trust has exceeded all expectations.

Trustees meet almost monthly to undertake essential administrative work which is wide ranging and challenging. Responsible for the upkeep of the Freemen's lands and rights, they also organise Beating the Bounds which takes place every seven years and welcomes more than 10,000 people to the town.

Annually the Town Trust run the Court Leet Ceremony which takes place at the Guildhall and welcomes the admission of new Freemen. The Ceremony is followed by an annual Court Leet Dinner. 

The Trust protects some of the Freemen's most prized treasures, including the silver Mace, Loving Cup and Freeman's Roll. These items are now on show in the Guildhall which has undergone a £1.1million transformation due to the unstinting efforts of the Trustees.

Today there are around  2,500 Freemen throughout the world and many receive regular contact from the Trust through an email database or through the Trust's social media accounts. A Freemen's Newsletter is published every year online.

Llantrisant Town Trust is a busy organisation made up of devoted Trustees who work tirelessly for the Freemen of the town.

The Trustees



Dean Powell
Clerk & Freeman Trustee


Martin Hooker
Freeman &
Cambrian Archaeological Society


Huw Rees
Freeman Trustee


Dewi John
Freeman Trustee


John Dickason
Freeman Trustee


David Powell
Freeman Trustee


Cary Grother
Freeman Trustee


Gareth Alexander
Freeman Trustee


Thomas Grother
Freeman Trustee

David Nicholas
Community Council


Ron Hunt
Community Council


Ellie Townsend-Jones
Community Council