Llantrisant’s charm and elegance lies not only in its position high on the crest of two hills, but in the famous landmark buildings that occupy its quaint, unplanned streets.

Once white-washed homes could be seen from miles around, harking back to Aneurin's description of Glamorgan in the 6th Century:

“In Glamorgan the people are courteous and gentle,

Married women are honoured and the walls are white.”

The skyline is dominated by the beautiful parish church, the ruins of its Norman castle and the folly affectionately known as the Billy Wynt.

Llantrisant has many great buildings and landmarks with a fascinating history, one that tells the stories of why they were created, who occupied them and how they impacted on the development of the town.

From its auspicious reputation as a thriving market town to the home of more public houses than one could imagine, Llantrisant’s history is built on the foundations of these buildings.

By examining them and their contribution we can see the impression they had on the lives of its residents and why they played such a pivotal role in creating the Llantrisant we admire today. 


“Situated between two lofty hills, and its whitewashed houses, with the dismantled towers of its castle, form a conspicuous and interesting feature in the scenery on approaching the mountain. The vicinity is indescribably beautiful and highly picturesque, and the views embrace a tract of country abounding with features of romantic character and almost unrivalled magnificence.”

Sem Phillips, 1866