June 13
Agreed that consent be given for sports and amusements to be held on the Commons on 26 June 1902 in celebration of the Coronation of King Edward VII

July 31
It was agreed that permission be granted for holding sports and amusements on the Commons to celebrate the coming of age of the Marquis of Bute. An address to be presented to the Marquis of Bute from the Freemen and inhabitants of Llantrisant in congratulating his Lordship attaining his majority

August 13
An application by Llantrisant & Llantwit Fardre Rural District Council to place telephone poles on the Common parallel with the roads was not granted

October 23
A resolution came from a Meeting of Freemen objecting to the playing of golf on the Common Lands. A letter came from Messr Gwyn & Gwyn Solicitors of Cowbridge suggesting they withdraw the golf or a complaint would be sent to the Charity Commission. The Trust felt they had not exceeded their rights

March 25
The Clerk read correspondence from the Charity Commission stating their decision of playing golf on the Common was confirmed

October 4
It was decided that the fragile copy of the 1424 Charter be presented to the Records Committee of the Cardiff Corporation for safe custody

May 29
It was agreed to invite Gomer Morgan, Surveyor of the local Rural District Council to make the old tollhouse sanitary and in an tenantable condition with the placing of a coalhouse and a water closet. Some of the windows had been smashed by “boys living on the Common Road”. Agreed to charge the parents a shilling for the damage done and if they refused “legal proceedings to be taken”. Overseers of the Graig and Common were appointed as Thomas Williamson (Llwyncrwn Isaf), R. Bevan (Glanmychydd) and David Richards.

June 23
“It was proposed that Edward Davies be given a donation of five shillings for looking after and keeping the town pump clean.”

 November 21
“A handsome case, in which the ancient Charter of this Borough” has been mounted was this day presented to the Town Trust by Mrs Evan John.” It was also agreed to congratulate the Mayor, Corporation and Burgesses of Cardiff for their honour of being made a city.

January 29
The Old Tollhouse was to be let at a weekly rate of one shilling and nine pence per week. Preferably to a tenant with no children and certainly no more than one child. (Edwin Francis was made tenant)

July 24
“The attention of the Trust having been called to the damage done to the Old Tollhouse by children. It was agreed that the Clerk instruct the Town Crier to announce in Common Road that any persons found damaging the Tollhouse or any other properties belonging to the Town Trust will be prosecuted.”

October 23
“An application was made by Mr Eddie T Davies, Primrose Hill for permission to exercise his horse occasionally over the old Racecourse on Common Lands”

May 27
New Overseers were appointed. Graig: Frank Bosanko, Thomas Williamson, Nathan Evans, William Morgan. Common: Edwin Francis (Old Tollhouse), Rowland Harry (Ty Clwydau), William Thomas (Llwyncrwn Isaf), William Page (Common Road), John Hicks (Pantyscawen)

May 9
The Coronation Committee applied for leave to erect and burn a bonfire on the Graig as part of the festivities. It was agreed to grant the spot twenty yards to the west of the windmill

August 14
It was proposed to hold a Beating the Bounds of the Borough on Monday 21 August. Baskets of fruit, nuts to be provided at several stopping places. Mr Richard Evan David of the District Council Offices to lead the procession.

September 29
A letter was read from Mr Barkle, Secretary of the Sports Committee, asking the Town Trust to let a portion of the Common Lands to be fenced for sports and recreation. The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Town Trust have no power to grant such a request. It was also reported that Edwin Francis and Henry Page had pigs unringed on the Common Lands!

December 22
Gomer Morgan showed the Trust the proposed new road through the lower portion of the Ely Valley which skirted the lower boundary of the Graig. The Town Trust approved the building of the road subject to the Charity Commission and Lord of the Manor of the Borough

April 6
Complaints of children playing football and damaging the stone Fence at the back of Common Pond. The Clerk to contact the Master of the School

July 12
Cambrian Archaeological Assoc requested the Mace and Charter be displayed in Cardiff. The Trust refused

February 7
Mr Evans of Talyfedw Farm apologised for cutting the rushes on Common Land

May 8
It was agreed that the Bute Estate be informed of the dangerous state of the Common Pits.

February 5              
It was reported that certain parties in the parish were trying to change the name of Llantrisant Station to Pontyclun. The Trust wrote to GWR objecting to any such plans

July 19
An advertisement was placed in the Western Mail & South Wales Daily News stating that the Trust are replacing the gate at the bottom of the Common and any person damaging it will be prosecuted

November 15
Agreed that a record be made of all Freemen / Freemen’s sons who has joined His Majesties Forces have their names, rank and regiment entered into the Minute Book of the Town Trust. (The full list appeared)

May 26
Decided to write to the Bute Estate ti draw their attention to the filthy state of the porch leading to the Town Hall. Letters sent to William Morgan of Bull Ring Farm that no sheep should be allowed on the Common. It was later agreed that no goats or deer were allowed to graze on the Cymdda or Graig as it was against the customs of the Freemen. Decision to be sent to the Charity Commission

May 17
It was proposed that if any persons entitled to be Freemen of the Borough is killed or dies while in British Naval or Military Service his children when of proper age shall be entitled to be admitted and enrolled as a Freeman and that the Charity Commissioner be petitioned to consent for this resolution

August 3
A new notice board to be erected at the Old Toll House giving two coats of paint and that the expense should not exceed the sum of 10 shillings

February 17
Agreed that the Town Bell should be left in the custody of the Clerk and permission given that it be lent to any person who may require it on condition it was returned after being used. Letters of congratulations to be sent to Sir Edward Jones MP, Sir Rhys Williams MP on the honour conferred by His Majesty the King in bestowing knighthoods on two of the Freemen of this ancient borough

August 20
It was brought to the notice of the Trust that the Independent Labour Party were holding meetings on the Graig on Sundays without permission from the Trust. It was proposed a letter be sent to Mr Idwal Williams, Swan Street, informing him that authority from the Trust must be obtained.


April 4
It was agreed to allow Clydai Evans (Tollhouse) to erect a pigsty on Common Lands subject to an annual payment of one shilling

October 26
Agreed to send a congratulatory letter to Freeman Cllr James Taylor on being made Chief Magistrate and Lord Mayor of the City of Cardiff

November 20
The question of allowing golf to be played on Common Lands was discussed when it was proposed by David Ray, Seconded by David Grabham that golf be allowed on Common Lands. Friends invited. Proposed by Edward Watkins, seconded by David Evans that golf should not be allowed. The proposition carried by 23 votes to 10

May 12
Permission granted to Llantrisant Freeman’s Golf Club to erect a bridge over part of the Common Land, also a gateway leading into part of the field, the property of Mr Frank Lewis, at a yearly wayleave of 2/6

July 26
Sanitary Inspector Richard Grabham attended a meeting and suggested the Common Pond by either cleaned or filled in as it was a cesspool

July 20
A deputation of Freemen approached the Trust to change their decision about playing golf on the Common. The Trust, with the exception of one member, agreed to stand by their original decision. Deputation said they intended to take the matter further. Chairman (Gomer S Morgan) asked then to “be sportsmen” and to do it in a constitutional way

October 19
A letter was received from the Secretary of Llantrisant Freeman’s Golf Club complaining about the treatment they were receiving from a small section of Freemen and asking the Trust to take the matter up with the Charity Commission. (The Charity Commission agreed that golf could be played)

April 26
It was agreed that the Trust should take legal action against the persons who threw the cups and discs – property of Llantrisant Freeman’s Golf club – into the Common Pond

March 26
A letter sent to the Secretary of the Post Office, London protesting against calling the proposed Telephone Exchange in Llantrisant, “Pontyclun”

July 15
Agreed that unemployed Freemen be employed by the District Council to work on the sewerage works on the Common Lands “The old custom of Beating the Bounds to be held on Monday August 25 starting from the Town Hall at 1.30pm"

Quarrel erupts with District Council for depositing rubbish on the Common

February 2
A vote of sympathy was passed for the Relatives of our late respected member Mr Evan John. Mention was made of the great loss to Llantrisant Town Trust sustained by his death

June 29
A safe to be bought for the Mace and Charter (18guineas)

July 13
Permission was given to play cricket on Common Lands

July 31
William Morgan (Bull Ring Farm) and Powell John (West Caerlan Farm) ordered to remove their sheep from the Common in 14 days. Discussion over the fencing of the Common

October 26
A letter sent to the County Council pointing out the danger caused by the increased traffic over the Common Lands and asking for the road to be fenced

March 27
A letter was sent to the Coal Merchant, Beddau, making him liable for damaging the pillar by the old tollhouse.

June 13
A deputation to see the local County Councillor Johnson Miles to ask him to influence the decision for fencing the Common

Consideration given to fencing the Castellau Road from the town depending on subscriptions. This failed and money was returned

Letter to Charity Commission asking if children born out of wedlock and afterward legalised by Act of Parliament could be made Freemen  

An application was approved to have the Coronation Bonfire on the Graig. Two guineas were also donated

“All work on Common Lands be left until we know what would become of the uneasy state of the country.”

Correspondence with Secretary of War & Agricultural Services over use of Common Lands. “Owing to the black out the Chairman was asked to close the meeting”

Letter from Mr Green of Kent offering the original address to Sir David Evans, Lord Mayor, to the Trust. Estimated that the damage done by the American troops on the Common amounted to £200-6-10. This was received from the government

Animals straying on the Common was a problem. Meeting with Arthur Pearson MP took place for the new Transport Bill to help with this matter of fencing it

June 18
Mrs Gwyneth Hooper paid to clean the Town Hall


Soil is washing onto the Common from the new playing field at Cefn Mabley

Following a presentation it was agreed to deposit all historic books and the copy of the 1424 Charter with the Glamorgan County Record Office in Cardiff

May 10
A Court Leet Dinner was held for the first time in about 30 years and 53 Freemen attended

April 2
Erection of cattle grids on hold as government were curtailing allocation of steel at present

July 8
Cost of enrolling as a Freeman risen to 2-2-0 was rejected. Agreed to inspect the bull ring stone on the Common and move it to the town square

Agreed to purchase the Town Hall at the valuation price. Furniture purchased for £30.0.0 from Glamorgan County Council